If you grew up in the 90's, you must have participated in the whole Pokemon vs. Digimon debate. One group said Pokemon was better and Digimon copied it, and the other group talked about how Digimon was copyrighted a year before Pokemon and Pokemon is actually Pocket Monsters. Well, I was a huge Digimon fan before I became a Pokemon fan.
It is clear to see who won that debate, Pokemon. That is why this editor yelling at me right now that Digmon was spelled wrong, but has no problem with the word Pokemon. Nevertheless, I still love Digimon and now that I am older and wiser, I can understand Digimon a lot better now than before. However, with that being said, I don't like Digimon from season 2 onward.
In season two they has this Ty wannabe, Davis, absolutely hated him because he stole T.K's thunder, plus Veemon's voice was annoying. Season 3 was just like season 2, rinse and repeat, but it had Digimon cards.
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