
Its been months since I updated this blog. The main reason is that I've been working on another site, WeShareNotes.net. The purpose of this site is to share notes/old exams/course materials with other college students. We hope to create a great community that will help others, but as of now, we are mainly focused on Engineering majors.
Category: 8 comments


Anonymous said...

Can you send me activation code.

Unknown said...

and me one too ethanbgraber@gmail.com
im a student at ccny

Unknown said...

and me one too ethanbgraber@gmail.com
im a student at ccny

Anonymous said...

The website is unavailable.

Anonymous said...

please get the website back up, would mean a lot..thanks

Anonymous said...

The website is down again and it would be greatly appreciated if you can put it back online. If it's a money issue i'm sure many people would be willing to take over the website or donate to keep it running

Anonymous said...

Can you put the website back? It is down again. The least we could do is back everything up.
If money is what you need then we might be able to help.

Anonymous said...

add me too please guys. kbalkaran2@yahoo.com

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